By Anonymous - 11/06/2013 15:20 - United States - Seattle

Today, I was meeting my boyfriend's family for the first time. The minute I stepped in the door his mother hit me in the face and kicked me out because I was "the slut her husband cheated on her with." My older sister and I look much alike. Too much alike. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 819
You deserved it 4 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why wouldn't your boyfriend have cleared that up?

Were you aware of that situation prior to this? If your boyfriend means a lot to you, have a sit down with his mother once she's calmed down, and hopefully you can get things resolved. Good luck!


Mizzoulove 4

Did your boyfriend just coincidently forget to tell you?

I honestly hope that you can sit down with your boyfriends mom and talk to her about this.. You definitely don't deserve the wrap for your sisters actions, whether you look a lot alike or not..if she's not willing I would continue your relationship but as far as your boyfriends parents? Stay away..

I'm guessing there will be nothing but drama in your future if you stay with this guy. Life is too short for insane in-laws. Run!!!

Sandman1917 5

If you knew that your sister had had an affair with this woman's husband why would you date the son. You are just asking for trouble.

When I read this stuff it reminds me of Jerry Springer#Lmaof

muffinkitty 15
Mizzoulove 4

Not to mention that you even messed up the abbreviation.

I don't always sleep with your husband, but when I do it's my look-a-like sister.

If this does get resolved and you guys get married, I guess family get togethers might get a little awkward if the mom and your sister are in the same room :/

I really hope you didnt know that your sister had affair with this woman's husband. Also did your sister even know he was married, she could have been equally a victim of your boyfriend's father's indiscretions. If you can have a heart to heart with his mom and she comes to an understanding that you didnt know and you are not your sister and she's ok with you, then by all means continue dating. If she continues to be irrational and violent, I would break it off with your bf.

Unless your boyfriend never speaks to his parents then you are going to be getting his family along with him. I learned the hard way that a boyfriend/girlfriend who does not like your family, or whom your family hates, is going to make you miserable. The mother sounds overly violent and you would be attached to that. I doubt she will ever forgive your family for the cheating of her husband.