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By irishbabycakes - 25/01/2010 10:27 - United States

Today, I went to my step-sister's for family dinner. Her husband was really drunk and openly hit on me in front of most of my family. I nonchalantly ignored his advances. Later, my step-mom said it would not have happened if I didn't dress like a skank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 348
You deserved it 5 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FistPump 0

Tell your step-mom that maybe it wouldn't happen if her daughter put out.

that's not your fault,maybe his true feelings were coming out;) lol


that's not your fault,maybe his true feelings were coming out;) lol

It's his fault for being drunk, but of course there are certain ways a girl can dress that communicate invitation. (It's been observed in neurological tests that a woman letting a man see certain things is, for the male brain, tantamount to a woman receiving sexual *touch*.)

PottentialFML 0

Hey they could have pulled a StepBrother and banged in the next room."Her back went out so I pulled a yoga move on her."

Crotcho_fml 0

step-moms are all bitches. hate those bitches. they're so determined to make ur life a living hell

FistPump 0

Tell your step-mom that maybe it wouldn't happen if her daughter put out.

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Maybe the ONLY one to blame is the married guy that hit on her in front of his family?

Tandrael 0
kelleyb323 0

off topic but you're incredibly beautiful!

anela_fml 0

wow thanks for stickin with blood ma

I think pics would be in order to make a proper judgement, please forward your skankiest pictures. Don't worry, I like my women a little on the trashy side, I'll know a ***** when I see it.

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hey now. im pretty sure men get raped too, somewhere...

schwinn11 0

Yeah, they do, but only when they dress skanky.

#12 What part of JEANS AND HOODIE do you fail to comprehend???? Check out the OP's comment. Only her hands and face were showing!! How is that skanky, even if you are a taliban???

#40 - Flirting and rape are not the same thing. FYL for thinking it's the same thing. #68 - what part of the original post mentioned JEANS & HOODIE? FYL for being illiterate.

Maddoctor 10

# 91, I'd like to direct your attention to comment 21, in which the OP states she infact wore a pair of jeans and a hoodie to a family dinner. I suggest reading the comments before posting your own next time.

FML for being illiterate.... well why don't YOU read a little more. FYL