By TimeForAHairCut - 08/06/2012 23:44 - United States - Eugene

Today, I was napping when my little brother cut off huge chunks of my hair. He thought it would turn me into the older brother he always wanted. He's 8. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 996
You deserved it 2 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well older brothers often mess with little brothers... Just do shit that will annoy him, just like he wanted.


timboslicer 4

That's, pretty bad. Sry 2 hear it :c

Sounds like something my 8 year old brother would do to me so I know the feeling Sorry about what happened though

Even at 8 I think you would know that's physically impossible

I did that to my little sister when we were five and two XD