By TimeForAHairCut - 08/06/2012 23:44 - United States - Eugene

Today, I was napping when my little brother cut off huge chunks of my hair. He thought it would turn me into the older brother he always wanted. He's 8. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 996
You deserved it 2 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well older brothers often mess with little brothers... Just do shit that will annoy him, just like he wanted.


NoahEibon 11

If he was my little bro and did that to me, he would've been bitch slapped so hard, nobody messes with my hair.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

That's messed up on so many levels.

I just lost some IQ points reading that.

I'd probably go on a rampage if that happened to me. I've grown my hair out for years and I can't stand having short hair. I hope your hair grows back fast though. FYL.

I'd ******* throttle him, seriously! if I had a little brother and he did that to me that boy would be entering a world of pain.

The OP is his older sister, and he wants an older brother instead. He thought cutting off a girl's hair would somehow magically turn her into a boy, thus the FML.

Hair today, gone tomorrow... Sounds like the relationship between you and your little brother got a bit hairy but maybe you should remove his man bits so that he won't be able to sire any hairs... ... ok, i'll stop now

Chandler1Bing 0
Aealyn 1

OP...have you read the Song of Fire and Ice books? Do you know who Gregor Clegane is? Just...thought you might take solace in knowing you don't have the worst sibling in the world...

oh what the **** I would so not like if my brother would do some jack up stuff like that I would cut all his ****** hair like what the ****