By AlwaysTired - 28/11/2015 03:21 - United States - San Carlos

Today, I was officially diagnosed with OCD. My mother's reaction? "That's not possible, she's a fucking slob." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 367
You deserved it 2 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Am I the only one wondering what kind of OCD you've got?


tiredofwaiting 25

I have OCD and I am not always the cleanest.

I'm so sorry OP. I know what it's like to have inconsiderate parents regarding mental illness. I hope you get the treatment you need, try to ignore your mother.

I have ocd too and my room is a ******* junkyard. Really all I do is count random things for no reason and recheck and recheck things, even though I know they're right...

So many people think that having OCD automatically means being a neat freak. That's true for many but definitely not all. I have OCD and I am not tidy whatsoever.

OCD is not about cleanliness, most varieties that do are undisguised because most of the time they aren't actually OCD. OCD is the fear something bad will happen if you don't do something, this could be using a light switch to stealing something from a store. OCD is not something to be laughed about, not is it something trivial. You can not wake up one day and " fell more OCD like than normal" because you cleaned something. It is not known what causes OCD however it is closely linked to anxiety. Which is one of the worst things I've seen someone experience. Sorry, someone close to me has it, and people like to trivialise it, but it's unjust

My mum had the same reaction when I was diagnosed. sigh.

She obviously has no idea what OCD even is...

Show her the episode of Hoarders with the teenage boy who can't get rid of all the dog hair in his room because he thinks cleaning it up will make his dog die.