By AlwaysTired - 28/11/2015 03:21 - United States - San Carlos

Today, I was officially diagnosed with OCD. My mother's reaction? "That's not possible, she's a fucking slob." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 367
You deserved it 2 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Am I the only one wondering what kind of OCD you've got?


katina1236 20

Wow supportive parenting there. She understands what OCD is right. It's an anxiety disorder more common than not, affecting a majority of the population. In varying degrees. It's not always about cleanliness and order it manifests in many different forms. Good luck OP and hopefully your mom apologizes in the future

Not your fault she doesn't see how you organize your stuff. JK. Clean up a little, OP :)

I know how that feels OP, my mom, a nurse, calls me crazy daily and thinks if I tryed, I could just make ut go away because it's all in my head

she does know OCD isn't just a impulse to excessively clean right?

i had that exact same reaction last year

writergirl1029 17

This is why we desperately need more public education on mental illness and fewer TV shows and movies perpetuating stereotypes and stigma. I have "Pure O" OCD, which involves no compulsions, let alone cleaning compulsions.

And this is why mental health education is important. OCD does not equal clean freak.

Exactly. Thanks to pop culture and people that use terms without understanding them, too many people think that OCD is about cleanliness and order. No -- OCPD is about cleanliness and order. OCD has zero to do with these things.

She's right. Time for a second opinion.

I have OCD too. Hang in there! Please come talk to me if you need any tips on dealing with the symptoms.

I hope OCD was or can be explained by a professional to your mother, or even by you! OCD is largely misunderstood (mental health in general really) but it can be very serious, at least to the one who has it. Best of luck OP!