By Anonymous - 03/07/2013 16:25 - United States - Iowa City

Today, I was on a movie date with my boyfriend, when he asked for a handjob. I thought I was doing well until he sighed, took my hand off, and said he could finish on his own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 710
You deserved it 18 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spekledworf 18

I hope it wasn't in public. I work at a movie theater and have walked in on worse than handjobs. We don't appreciate it.


Know one drives the bus like the bus driver

Now I know why the movie theater floor is sticky. I thought it was soda.

It's pointless trying to do something to a man that he has perfected since age 14

break up with need more practice.

God damn. So did he actually finish himself off?

Wow. Ungrateful, isn't he? He asks you, and he just pouts like a kid when it's not exactly like he wants it. Let me guess; he complains when the ketchup is above instead of under the cheese on his burgers, eh? Oh, well. You get an 'A' for effort, but practice makes all the difference.

maroongrad 13

YDI for expecting tact, class, or consideration from someone wanting a handjob in a movie theater.