By Anonymous - 03/07/2013 16:25 - United States - Iowa City

Today, I was on a movie date with my boyfriend, when he asked for a handjob. I thought I was doing well until he sighed, took my hand off, and said he could finish on his own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 710
You deserved it 18 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spekledworf 18

I hope it wasn't in public. I work at a movie theater and have walked in on worse than handjobs. We don't appreciate it.


ohioain 18

You gotta know how to work it(;

Quiet_one 22

I clicked FYL, but then I realized you'd said "movie date," which implies being in public. WTF is wrong with you and your boyfriend? Or do you also use "movie date" to refer to watching a movie in someone's living room? That's an important distinction.

Movie date doesn't always mean going out to the cinema, could just be at her house or his.

Yeah, doing that in public is just nasty lol

At least you tried. Most women wouldent do something like that for thier boyfriend.

chocolatefrog28 29

Well, be it public or private anyway, there are really only two steps to a good handjob. 1) Excite 2) Use your mouth instead.

graceinsheepwear 33

Go check out the shake weight commercial. :)

So you just couldn't pull off an ******.

Are you the same lady from a previous FML who "got angry after not being able to have an ******. What was I angry at? My own hand." If yes, you need to take lessons.. professional paid lessons...

Well at least op was down for it in a "public" place shes a keeper

I admire your enthusiasm for public sexytimes, but practice is aways good.