By El Stupido - 12/06/2011 13:51 - Australia
Same thing different taste
By becca - 21/08/2010 04:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/05/2021 17:01 - New Zealand
By Anonymous - 09/04/2009 20:46 - United States
By Kevin - 29/11/2024 12:00 - United States
By Andre - 29/07/2010 10:56 - United States
By Jaymail - 11/10/2020 10:01 - United States - Chicago
By Noname - 21/02/2009 07:34 - United States
By Awkward - 25/04/2011 18:38 - United States
By last time I drive stoned - 08/12/2012 17:47 - United Kingdom
By please don't back that thing up - 09/08/2013 05:00 - United States
Top comments
you couldn't just look to see if there were any other cars?
I'm assuming you're not bright. :)
The lack of OP noticing other cars moving makes me a sad panda.
34- your 100% right, I mean if your comment is less than 2 words, don't even post. I mean c'mon!
*calls out whatever comment number I am*
53- WTF
that's worse than driving In reverse for 15 minutes before realizing you weren't going forwards
115- Actually, driving in reverse for 15 minutes is worse. You can't get in an accident if your car is in one place, unless someone crashes into you. You can crash and die if you're driving in reverse, especially if you're doing so for 15 minutes. You can't even make that comparison.
122- Win.
actually i have been in this situation, but not by choice. after pulling up to an intersection to turn, in which the cars were not following the marked lanes, i discovered id pulled up behind a parked taxi (there is a no parking sign there, as theres no space to park), before i could move, several people pulled up behind me and i was trapped. if the OP was one of those who pulled up behind me the
122 Scientists are looking for intelligent life on other planets because they couldn't find any here.
the word karma actually came from budism or Hinduism. it means that your actions will have an effect on your future lives but now a days people use the word when they mean your actions will have an effect on your present live (usually soon after and ushaully the same thing they did but on to them). atleast to my understanding it is but correct me if I'm wrong. I also don't actually believe in karma but I was just saying because I know a lot of people do.
according to most information, karma can also affect your current life aswell as your next one
it's a traffic jam for idiots :-D
149 Karma I know this one.
OP's username is perfect!
Epic fail.
yeah didn't he see the brake lights weren't on?
when your on drugs the last thing you notice are brake lights
You could have looked ahead.
Unfortunately, the same thing has happened to me. My work is in the same parking lot as a gym, and very often inconsiderate people will stop in front of the entrance and wait to pick someone up. To get around these jerk-offs, you have to drive into oncoming traffic. Because I have to deal with this so often, I protest by waiting behind the car and laying on the horn until they move. The way the parking lot is angled you can't see around the offending car, so one night I sat behind a car that I thought was stopped and honked for a good 5 minutes. When I finally decided to give up my protest and go around the idiot, I realized I was honking at an empty car. The selfish, lazy jerk left his car in the middle of the road!
your bio says to message you... so, I'm messaging you! @Cormac46 on twittterr:)
You're grammar definately proves your comment.
^ definitely
91- You've made 2 mistakes. Oh the irony.
91 pwned himself lol
Yes I know :( I realized the mistakes after posting. I'm such a fail X( On a side note, damn I've been spelling definitely wrong my whole life.
should have been paying attention
I got first :D
Oh. My. God. That is SO cool. We all worship you, even though you're not first, because you made such a valiant effort and had such an intelligent comment...
but really I did look ^ sorry. I just got excited.
what's that?....... I think it's the sound of no one caring
That was the same thing I was thinking, wouldn't he notice that?
Maybe he was too busy swearing at the parked car in front of him to notice.
he apparently didn't notice the lack of person in the car infront of him.
Irony strikes again.
10, "you is really dumb, for reel."

You didn't notice the other moving cars around you? You, sir, lack intelligence.
Epic fail.