By Anonymous - 03/07/2013 16:25 - United States - Iowa City

Today, I was on a movie date with my boyfriend, when he asked for a handjob. I thought I was doing well until he sighed, took my hand off, and said he could finish on his own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 710
You deserved it 18 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spekledworf 18

I hope it wasn't in public. I work at a movie theater and have walked in on worse than handjobs. We don't appreciate it.


olpally 32

Well, more popcorn for you then. Haha. Keep that kind of thing private though, why in public? Thats nasty.

Must have been a pretty empty theater. Were you watching After Earth? Lolol

That's pretty hot that you still did it. Good job.

If it wasn't working for him why couldn't he just hold your hand so he could guide you, to show you how it works for him? Just ask him next time (not in public maybe) ;) for some guidance. Practice makes perfect!

cottoncandymango 17
AngelLovesDerby 10

That's kinda nasty in a movie theatre...

Awww don't feel bad OP! Handjobs are really hard! I'm sure he doesn't think any less of you for not being able to pull it off or anything. I mean that, btw. Girls are usually terrible at handjobs through no fault of their own (they've never had penises, for one, and different guys like to handle their junk in different ways), so don't sweat it.

Everyone, OP just mentioned that they had a movie date. You can still have movie dates at home,

lina_bean 5

**** that shit!! When he starts something get him off of u n walk away say ill finish urself!

laufinobsver 3

If you're not going to write out full words, at least make it so your partial words make sense.....or some form of punctuation. 'When he starts something get him off of u n walk away say ill finish urself!'

WishForTheWorld 9

Someone needs more practice. Practice makes perfect(: