By forgotten - 21/09/2010 22:16 - United States

Today, I was on my hour long bus ride home with a full bladder. Right as the bus reached my stop, the time I spent holding it in was over. I didn't make it out of the aisle before I peed my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 143
You deserved it 7 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ladykat 0

Don't believe him ^^ it has not happened to everybody.


thatonedame 6

wow. didn't your mom ever tell you to go to the bathroom before any car ride? ydi.

If you used the facilities right before you left, and you cannot hold it in for an hour, you MAY either have a peanut for a bladder or are imbibing massive amounts of liquid. You fail at planning ahead, either way.

ydi for prematurely letting your guard down

Tayfabs 0

... And how old are you? You should be able to hold it for an hour... Right?

You have my sympathies OP. I had to catch the last bus an hour out into the sticks in Ireland after a few pints, and it was a killer. I made it, but it completely sucked at the time.

omfgrofl1337 0

This may be the one time you should NOT have had a V8

Kanvis78 0

If OP had a v8 , there would have been a vessel for urine :)

wow some people cant hold it for an hour. some people have small bladders....