By Quackadoodledoo - 24/04/2014 02:21 - United Kingdom - Edgware

Today, I was on the London underground reading a newspaper. A huge guy was sitting next to me and there weren't many other people around. As I turned a page, he leaned into me, glaring, and said, "I'm not finished yet". At the next stop I put down the paper and jumped off. It wasn't even my stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 191
You deserved it 5 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor guy didn't even get to finish reading.

Leaving before your stop is kind of overdramatic. Couldn't you just have given him the newspaper or something?


Wizardo 33

Hailing from London I can confirm you get some weirdos and blithering idiots on the tube. Don't worry though all you have to do is stay silent, keep yourself to yourself and give a blistering scowl to anyone trying to be rude or even nice. Its just how it works. In any case should have given the paper to him and stayed on the train, there are always more papers around.

Hilarious. That guy would have to be a hell of a D-bag to do that to ya. Awwwwkwwwaaarddd!

why would someone be a douchebag for reading over his shoulder? it's not like he was checking out personal text messages on his phone or whatever, reading along used to be perfectly normal.

We have SO. MANY. PAPERS. Weren't they're like 20 others in that carriage alone?

Oh man, I miss the Metro. Such a good read on the tube. I would've waited til you were finished reading until I read it off you though :)

Good move. People are so crazy and you don't want to end up in a situation. Better safe than sorry.

Goblin182 26

You should have taken your paper with you.