By fmylifebad - 29/04/2009 10:12 - United States

Today, I was on the subway and saw this cute guy eyeing me. I crossed my legs, tossed back my hair, and raised my eyebrows slightly. As he came up to me, my heart started racing until he finally started flirting... with the girl next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 142
You deserved it 12 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for not realizing your surroundings. You aren't the only person on the train. Too bad though. Did she happen to turn him down? If so you could always go for the silver medal.

Ridley_fml 0

why are you looking for a boyfriend on the subway? ydi


YDI for knowing what's on your ex's facebook.

Why do you have to be conceited to react positively when someone is looking at you! These commenters, my word. She thought he was looking at her, which is an easy mistake to make. What's she going to do otherwise, ignore him 'just in case' and dissuade the poor guy?