By fuck you, Jeff - 25/04/2014 23:45 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I was out drinking with some colleagues, when one started ranting about some pretty sensitive subjects. There were some Latino guys nearby, and as soon as he said "I'm not racist, but..." I tried to casually get the hell out of there. We all got the crap beaten out of us anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 589
You deserved it 6 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chellybelly92 14

Yea...when any sentence begins with that statement it's probably extremely racist. Sorry you got caught up in that.

I would probably refrain from drinking with that colleague again.


Next time what you do is put both your hands up and say "I don't want to hear this" and then walk away. That will leave your friend holding the bag. Remember its better to interrupt and offend a friend than to get your ass kicked.

clue_me_in 20

Funny how privledged people here now say "violence is never the answer" yet during the Civil Rights era peaceful protesters got violence handed to them without question. I'd suggest getting a new friend, OP.

Why do you assume people who are saying that condone the violence that happened to protesters during the Civil Rights movement? The point is that more violence doesn't change what happened in the past and doesn't do any good. So why do it?

They shouldn't have fueled the racists fire by acting like Neanderthals to a general comment by an idiot. Not your fault OP but next time I would make it known you thought he was being a racist pig and make a quick exist.

Ah, the mark of a moron. I feel bad for you, OP. It'd be best to avoid that colleague from now on.

Dude, you have got to make better friends

OliverGothic 12