By fuck you, Jeff - 25/04/2014 23:45 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I was out drinking with some colleagues, when one started ranting about some pretty sensitive subjects. There were some Latino guys nearby, and as soon as he said "I'm not racist, but..." I tried to casually get the hell out of there. We all got the crap beaten out of us anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 589
You deserved it 6 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chellybelly92 14

Yea...when any sentence begins with that statement it's probably extremely racist. Sorry you got caught up in that.

I would probably refrain from drinking with that colleague again.


It's time to play Is It Racist! *gets ass kicked* You lost.

Nobody should be racist anyways. Especially when your around other cultures.

Should have been the one to start beating up that colleague first. lol

What was said that was so horrid? Or did they start beating your friends and you up before he could even finish?

I'm not racist but... You let a bunch of Mexicans kick your ass.

Why do people think that starting a sentence with "I'm not [insert prejudice here], but..." is a free pass to speak without thinking and be a bigoted sack of shit?

"No offense, but..:" is my personal favorite. It's amazing how offended the people who utter this phrase are when you take offense to their insanely offensive statement, even though they told you not to be offended. What'd they think would happen? "Now, don't die from this, but I'mma shoot you in the head now." *BANG* "Why did you die? What's wrong with you, why do you never listen to me?"

What he said was probably pretty racist and he's a douche. But I'm surprised at how many people seem to think it's perfectly okay to resort to violence because someone said something that wasn't right. Violence should only ever be used in self defense, not as an automatic response to someone saying something you don't like. And this is coming from someone who is part Latino, mind you.

racism is a crime, and only black people commit crimes lol my brother mike is black and told me that one

jeragonm 15

They had no reason to do that. I understand that it (whatever was said) was uncultured, however, I believe that violence is never going to solve anything, except to potentially prove Jeff's point. I had an uncle who was in a similar situation, and he stands firmly by his belief that they (whatever race or gender or whatever he was ragging on) were inferior because they couldn't solve their problems and misunderstandings with words.