By fuck you, Jeff - 25/04/2014 23:45 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I was out drinking with some colleagues, when one started ranting about some pretty sensitive subjects. There were some Latino guys nearby, and as soon as he said "I'm not racist, but..." I tried to casually get the hell out of there. We all got the crap beaten out of us anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 589
You deserved it 6 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chellybelly92 14

Yea...when any sentence begins with that statement it's probably extremely racist. Sorry you got caught up in that.

I would probably refrain from drinking with that colleague again.


I know its bad but the way you put your thoughts in that post made me ROFL.. Sorry mate

At that moment you should've ran like hell, no time to casually get up..

whenever you hear that phrase, run as far as possible and don't look back. It just might save you from getting another beatdown.

You should give this 'friend' a second serving.

You didn't think to tell the asshole "yes, you're racist" when he started? It does cut off the bullcrap and starts a different argument about how they wouldn't need to qualify their statement if it wasn't going to be racist. Might have saved you a beating. But unfuck that guy. Bet he's not going out with you guys again.

beating up someone is a well-known way of making him non-racist ! That is, if the colleage was, indeed, racist. In France anyway, many people feel the need to say 'I'm not racist' before saying something because if you say anything about someone who is from Maghreb, for instance, you are necessarily racist.

Saying "I'm not racist, but..." is like a guy saying "no ****" before sucking a dick. This shit really has to stop.

Friend is actually racist, time for a new friend.