By gmarina789 - 27/01/2011 11:28 - United Kingdom

Today, I was out with my boyfriend, and I had an epileptic fit. He had never seen me have one, and it freaked him out. He rang me later to dump me, as he didn't want to go out with someone who acted like a 'spaz' in public. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 506
You deserved it 4 222

gmarina789 tells us more.

Hey guys, thanks for posting all your comments, I have read them all. Firstly i'd like to say that epilepsy is a condition that can't be helped, so i'm kind of stuck with it and its not necessarily genetic. I am proud of who I am and I wouldn't change who I am even if I could. Secondly, I did tell my ex that I had epilepsy, I told him straight away so he was aware of my condition; to not tell him would have been unfair. Thirdly thanks to all the people who understand what its like and have written messages of support, I really appreciate it. To those who have written 'negative' comments, you are entitled to your own opinion, just don't share it with me. Being called a 'spaz' or saying that 'i'm sick' or 'not normal' is uncalled for. I'm currently studying Medicine at Birmingham Uni to try and help those like me, and all i'm going to say is how ironic would it be if one of you who have said i'm 'not normal' came into a hospital where I was working and I saved your life...I guess you wouldn't be saying stuff then. Again, thanks for all the positive comments :)


velvetwings 8

What a jerk. I was terrified when that happened to my boyfriend for the first time and I'd never leave him. Although I do tend to panic whenever I see a missed call from him or his relatives.

Hopersz 0

Wow. That is so ****** up. He should have, man up, and stop acting like a jerk. I suffer from seizures as well and have been having them since I was 14. Im 25 now and turn 26 next month. If you dont mind me asking, what kind of seizures are they? Mine are staring seizures. I black out and pass out to the extent where I dont remember a single thing. Not fun and I wish you the best of luck. Dont try this medicine called Kepra. Horrible to take and it put me thru hell. Bad allergic reaction. As I was saying good luck.

sparta98 4

@ 57 Go take a dive in the Potomac. Maybe the cold water will clear your head. @20 You don't seem to understand what goes on in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. The idea behind dating is NOT to make babies. It's to be with a person you love. You continually astound me with your ignorance, Perdix

You're better off without him; just be happy you didn't waste any more of your life with him before finding that out.

If you never told him about it before then I'm not surprised he majorly freaked out. But if you did tell him then FYL, he sounds really horrible. At least now you know you can do much better and find a guy who is willing to help you out sometimes.

What a c@nt! You're better off without him!!

haggered 0

i'm an epileptic also an my gurl said she "didn't wanna date a loser because the way i acted"..i had a spell at the party we were at an she thought i was trying to "impress" some of the other guys FML

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joeykrak 0