By Anonymous - 02/02/2011 07:12 - United Kingdom

Today, I was pissed that I got a £60 parking ticket so rang my friend to rant about it. I then got pulled over by the cops for using my phone, and was fined £120. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 551
You deserved it 71 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I only hope that when you crash your car while on your phone, you do it into a pole or off a cliff so no innocent people or trees are killed. You deserve it and more, you stupid, arrogant, irresponsible ****. Hang up and ******* drive. You're behind the wheel of a two-ton weapon, so ******* remember that as you pony up your £180, assface.

roe010992 10

Totally deserved, It's the law for a reason. One of my friends got hit by an idiot driving while on his mobile and it's ruined his life.


wow really u didn't learn after the first ticket hello common f***** sense

ulicksam 0

YDI for being one of those idiots that thinks rules apply to everyone but you. Stay off the damn phone when you're driving, moron.

That's what I read. Stay off the road, OP. Stay off the telephone, too. I know I wouldn't want to hear you moaning about a parking ticket if I were your friend. There are consequences to your actions and you got off easy.

fluffy118 0

Hope you don't plan on telling that story often... it's not going to get you sympathy, just makes you sound not too bright.

Your poor friend, I mean who calls their friend up to complain about a parking ticket?

CombatBarnie 0

Ydi. I hate people who talk on the phone when they're driving.

RedPillSucks 31

So who did you call to complain about your ticket for talking on your phone? Oh yeah...., The entire internet.... FML

Aww, did the mean cop give you a fine OP? Don't even think about paying it sweetie, that cop was obviously out to get you. In fact I think the whole world is. It's such a big, bad scary and most of all unfair place :( **** you OP. Just pay the ******* fines and don't break the law anymore.