By Anonymous - 07/06/2009 15:53 - United States
Top comments
U ******* idiot
YDI why would you even do that in the first place?
Gee, I bet it would be HILARIOUS if I farted on a kitten! Grow up, you moron. You deserve all you got.
YDI dumbass
Pure win.
Wow, poor cat.
OWNED. FAIL. IDIOT. they all suffice. ha. YDI.
#71... do u and OP share a ballsack? And do you really WANT it clawed off? What does that mean? Ur emo, but too much of a pussy to hurt yourself?
XD. Best FML ever.
OMG. Actually made me laugh 'till I nearly pissed myself. Classic.
BAHAHAHA You got owned by a kitten. YDI so much.
why in the hell would you dutch oven your own cat. you deserved it.