By Username - 06/11/2010 05:18 - France

Today, I was playing with my four month old daughter, flying her in the air like an airplane. I open my mouth saying 'Weeee', and she vomited on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 649
You deserved it 15 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My cousin was doing the airplane thing with me when I was little, and she gave me a stick of gum beforehand. The gum ended up being spat in her hair.

sourgirl101 28

The price you pay to make your baby smile. All babies love the flying game. Next time don't do it right after they eat. But they still might vomit none the less.


bmboente15 0

I got puke down my shirt when holding my little brother

Omfg!! that's so disgusting!! (knock on wood that doesn't happen to me too) FYL fer sureee!

The same thing happened to me with my son when he was a baby. He just turned 20 and neither one of us are permanently scarred by the incident.

mmmmm... vomit. **droool***. Make sure you chew the big chunks.

Damn that chicken and stars cuisine! Your life sucks.

dude how th efff did u not see that commin? 4 month old?

awww that's cute. baby barf is better then anything

You should know better. NEVER hold a baby in the air at an angle in which they would spit up. Duh..

My cousin was doing the airplane thing with me when I was little, and she gave me a stick of gum beforehand. The gum ended up being spat in her hair.