By anonymous - 11/02/2011 09:54

Today, I was posted with a very lonely gate-guard. From the second I arrived, I had to listen to him drone on and on, and now I know his entire life story. I was there for four hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 238
You deserved it 4 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, instead of whining like a bitch you could look at this in a better perspective. You may have just made that man feels loads better about himself. Venting could have done him the world of good, but I guess that's too much of a burden for you.

Hey! You didn't finish your story. Now I have to spend four hours figuring out what you were trying to say..


You should have said something, now begin the "wanna hangout" phone calls everyday.

kmarrs 2

Aw, come on! Have a heart. You probably made his day.

That's exactly what I thought after I read the FML.

At least he wasn't lonely enough to try and make a move on you.

samadams42 0

hey now you have a total of one friend

Hawkcody1958 1

please answer. what does op mean?

Ostentatious Peyote. It's a real show off drug. Good to do in front of those you truly want to impress with your assinine behavior.

bozo92 0

original poster (the person who starts a forum post for example)

It's not always all about you, you know...

rldostie 19

Ooh, been there. It sucks. It's even worse when you're a chick on an 8 hour shift, and the infantry soldier you happen to be posted with takes this as an 8 hour excuse to find every possible way to hit on you. There's only so many ways you an reject a person in such a time span before things get down right mean.

Well? Did he demonstrate years 13+ for you? Or maybe you gave him a new first for his life story. :3