By anonymous - 11/02/2011 09:54

Today, I was posted with a very lonely gate-guard. From the second I arrived, I had to listen to him drone on and on, and now I know his entire life story. I was there for four hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 238
You deserved it 4 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, instead of whining like a bitch you could look at this in a better perspective. You may have just made that man feels loads better about himself. Venting could have done him the world of good, but I guess that's too much of a burden for you.

Hey! You didn't finish your story. Now I have to spend four hours figuring out what you were trying to say..


man, that's just like this time I was reading FML and this guy wrote one about getting posted with a lonely gate guard.....

... when I was 5 years old, things got nasty. The father of the foster home I was living in had this weird fetish... He would lift me up and inspect my anus, before bleaching every inch of it. This wouldn't have been so bad if...

the person was just talking to you. this is what's wrong with society these days people never really talk to another and when they do some mother ****** is weirded out.

Everything always has to be about you I guess, ever think of someone other than yourself.

crzy4ubaby69 0

Get over it. Everyone needs someone to listen sometimes. I'm sure you've probably done the same.

lordcaliburx 0

... he didn't use the house cat to do it. as the years went on and my poop shoot got cleaner i started to ask questions like where do all the cats go when they are done or why not not bleach my asshole...

... then it struck me with all the force and fail of a Dane Cook attempt at suppressing his own arrogance. They went over to Perdix' place and had him use his tongue. Sure, the place was covered knee-deep in shit, and had Justin Bieber posters plastered over the sex slave pit, but anything was worth a squeaky-clean asshole. That's when...

How is this an fml?! F the other guy's life. Seriously, was it THAT BAD? I mean I love stories. Human beings are naturally curious, and if you have nothing else to do (guarding, yeah right) then you might as well show some common courtesy, some damn compassion and freaking listen to the guy! You sound like an atheist or something. Someone who hates their life and job for a dozen other problems that could easily be fixed. Then when you have to hear someone else's story, you get all fed up and refuse to help. Not a team player? Well you're gonna lose in this game we call LIFE. Get one!

kentuckyredneck 10

An Athiest or something? Do know how arrogant you sound?