By _philliesfan - 14/09/2009 04:20 - United States

Today, I was prioritizing my extreme amount of homework. I read over the front page of my psychology paper seeing that it was pretty easy questions, I decided to do it last. Little did I know there was a 8 page essay on the back of the page. It's 12:19 am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 713
You deserved it 21 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How the **** do teachers these days expect you to do all these assignments in one night? Do they think they are the only ******* class you have or something?


zfchatroulette 24

Posted at 9:20 pm. Seems legit.

My teacher had to write a hundred page essay in a week

anybody else remember in middle school when your teacher said read EVERYTHING before you start?

How do you all know it's procrastination?! Is there actual proof? No, the teachers OP has could just be the type that give insanely short deadlines for big projects (i.e my Stage Production teacher who gives at most 4 days for a big project, and that class is nothing BUT projects)

Starshrek 11

Only 12? I stay up till 3 am WITHOUT doing my homework

Ri_Fox9 9

Just be thankful it is not a grammar class. Otherwise, your use of 'a' rather than 'an' before '8' may be an indication that you would fail.

and so you make an FML instead of starting... not hatin', just statin'.

Zeno4 8

I had to cramp 3 months of homework into 10 hours. I did it tho