By _philliesfan - 14/09/2009 04:20 - United States

Today, I was prioritizing my extreme amount of homework. I read over the front page of my psychology paper seeing that it was pretty easy questions, I decided to do it last. Little did I know there was a 8 page essay on the back of the page. It's 12:19 am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 713
You deserved it 21 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How the **** do teachers these days expect you to do all these assignments in one night? Do they think they are the only ******* class you have or something?


yea you're meant to do the easier ones first so that you can start the harder ones on a more positive note - it's just setting yourself up for a win basically. =)

MizzCarmellXo 0

Wow!! This FML is really just gettin me all emotional. You wouldn't understand it unless you're in school. Because teachers really just act up sometimes.. Piling work on u, due on the same day etc. Ughh lol man this was me last night.. Slept for 4hrs Mann!! School is such a struggle sometimes.

dylanh 0
cgirl626 0

i feel bad for you i understand ur struggle but why are you on here when you have an essay due

ok, thats fair enough but you get this bit of, dare I call it bad luck and instead of starting the essay you tell everyone on FML?

Benson_Hedges26 0

YDI, for being on fmylife when you should be working on your essay

thats bull it says you made it at 9:20pm

Lmao at #89 ever heard of a thing called TIME ZONES? apparently not.

kickingbabyseals 0

So what? Dollar for everytime I've started something that late....