By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 21:27 - Canada

Today, I was puked on for the third time in three years at our annual choir concert. What makes it so significant? The fact that the same guy pukes on me every year from stage fright. We're arranged alphabetically, and he's always in the row RIGHT above me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 243
You deserved it 4 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you keep showing up for that? Why do they keep him in the choir? It seems as though somebody could do something about it. If you're not willing to, then quit whining. And really, why haven't you given him a pre-emptive punch in the nuts by now?

Moreover, why are they arranged alphabetically??? This doesn't seem like a very good choir.


It's some hydrochloric acid (that's inside you!), and some food (that's also hopefully inside you!). And remember, it's not about what's on the outside, it's about on the inside. Do you complain when you realise all the stuff in that puke is probably already in you? No. I thought so. :P

Prawn_fml 2

Would have thought someone'd given him a bag by now. Kudos to him for doing it even if he's scared shitless, though.

Bring an umbrella so when he launches the cannon, it can just make this big SPLAT! sound. If the teacher disapproves, get everyone to do a number of singing in the rain with their umbrellas. If you don't mind a puke-covered umbrella, that is.

Maybe he does not like you, Does not have stage fright and has found out a way to get at you. Every year wondering why she keeps coming back.

even in elementary school my choir was by height, not alphabetically. but OP FYL. why doesn't the dumbass just quit if he gets stage fright so bad?

Dude, what the hell? I have a fear of public myself, but ****, after the third time around you'd think he'd get over it (and lord knows you choir people usually stand up in front of people all the damn time, so...) Say something to your director, most definitely.

Maybe some little kid's older sibling posted the story on FML... That would account for the weird way the choir is arranged. It's probably a bunch of first or second graders and the girl that got puked on is probably 8 years old or something, which is why she doesn't know to move out of the way. Even still... don't the parents notice their kid is getting barfed on year after year? Request that the barfing child be put in the front row or off to the side and then given a bucket if he feels scared.

YDI for not learning from your mistakes. Maybe you should try MOVING to a differant spot instead off sitting at the same place every year. Seems like all the FMLs are posted by dumbasses.

Who the f cares, move. YDI for staying the the same spot TWICE. Do you lack common sense? No one in the audience cares that it is alphabetical. And besides, aren't you suppose to be arranged by alto, soprano ect...