By hé merde - 23/02/2014 02:27 - France - Paris

Today, I was pushing my wheelchair-bound grandpa back home, when a pretty girl walked past us in the opposite direction. He made me stop and turn him around, just so he could check her ass out as she walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 990
You deserved it 5 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope my grandson will do it without being asked.


Hahaha! Awesome! Props to your grandpa, he's still got it!

YDI because HE deserves it. There's nothing wrong with looking as long as you're not being a creep about it. Treat your g-pa the way you'd want a grandchild to treat you someday! Appreciate your mobility while it lasts.

o_uhu_intrstng 4

that's a true pimp right there

Grandpa may be old, but he's still got game. I can only hope to stll be like that when I get to be his age.

Hey when you get to be his age, being discreet and moral is a thing of the past

not really an FML. your grandpa sounds like a guy I'd like to have a beer with. (with whom I'd like to have a beer for you grammar Nazis out there)

Mr_Mole 24

You're never too old to enjoy a nice ass.