By Anonymous - 11/09/2009 14:48 - Canada

Today, I was putting my horse away into her pasture, when I slipped in the mud. In a haisty attempt to support myself, I grabbed the electric fence in on hand, and my horse with the other. The shock from the fence traveled through me to her, sending her running and leaving me with 2 broken teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 195
You deserved it 6 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've done that before (minus the broken teeth). And anybody who is ignorant enough to think that electric fences are cruel, think again. They prevent the horses from ploughing through the wooden fence which often causes serious and sometimes fatal damage. The electric fence is only a small shock (like a static shock) and they rarely touch it. It protects them from serious injury. Accidents happen people, chill out.

That's a pretty major FYL. Electrocuted and kicked in the teeth by a horse. And probably muddied. Ouch =(


Sounds like a shockingly painful experience. I agree, your life sucks.

it's simple Physics really, your horse gets a way weaker shock because most of the electricity travels from your hand and to the ground, leaving your horse with a much weaker voltage entering her/his body