By mrsfantastic - 12/09/2010 14:02 - United Kingdom

Today, I was recovering from an operation. After I felt better, I checked my phone. There were 35 missed calls and angry text messages from my boyfriend asking why I wasn't at his house to cook his dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 594
You deserved it 6 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments


#5 I'm pretty sure your a single female collecting turtles all day. anyways that sucks :( I would have made you my famous noodle soup. -srry if this posted twice.

ha ha never caught a turtle in my life just saw that in a pet store;) And I'm married my comment was a joke silly.

well he's a dick and a little un-independent.

Un independent? Perhaps you mean 'dependent'. Just helping.

Tasanasanta 0

Weeeell. Okay I'll take another look. *peers at FML and takes notes* Nope. Not a joke =(

Did he not know you were having surgery or something?

Even if she was, she should have made him a "sammich" :@

blahzz 4

Don't forget to bring him his beer also.

Lol why did you guys thumb down 28 and 83 it's obviously a joke.

You need to have a serious talk with him. Unless he can't use a phone or a microwave, there really is no reason for him not to be able to make his own food. The only reason I would at least *understand* why he would be angry is if you didn't say you were getting operated, and I doubt that's the case. sorry, op.

_Vamp_ 9

WTF? It really pisses me off that guys like this even exist. What kind of self absorbed bastard does this? Even if you wouldn't have had an operation this would have been pitiful on his part. The operation just makes it that much worse. I feel for you OP and anybody who has to put up with stuff like this.

lovesteph3523 0

Wtf? Can't he cook for himself? If he really can't, there's a thing called fast food. What an asshole.

lovesteph3523 0

its not like fast food is plastic or something..and if he really doesnt want fast food, then he could make something simple, like a sandwich.

kaylovely 0

Is there really a girl named anorexic barbie talking about real food? lol

Fast food has a high enough amount of preservatives in it, it could technically be deemed plastic. Thatbeingsaid, it also has a high amount of sugar/fat/salt in it, which is why it's scientifically proven to be addicting. There are alternatives to having the girlfriend cook all the time. It's a shame the guy didn't realize that.

Sexywifey91 0

if you love him work it out... if not that's on you only you can decide wheather or not you would want to be treated that way people can't yell you to dump him if they don't know the situation.... but sorry for your op... hope all went well:)