By Noname - 16/03/2009 04:05 - United States

Today, I was rejected from the University of Washington. My dad has been a professor there for 30 years, and is on the board of admissions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 439 534
You deserved it 103 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vonstrangle 0

That must be equally embarrassing for him.

Obviously you assumed you could just get in because your daddy works there and probably didn't try to do well in high school. Your loss.


Washington University in St. Louis? Well, at least I feel better for being wait-listed.

Oh, wait, University of Washington? Like, Washington state? ...oh.

seitosilver 0

I like how everyone think the OP is stupid because s/he didn't get into a good university. One can have great grades and GPA, but will get rejected from one good college. So far at my school people have been rejected from good schools while still getting into great ones.

1st_time_caller_ 0

I agree with #2. I was going to say basically the same thing. Your dad could get fired for nepotism if the school decides a stronger candidate was rejected in favor of you. I am sorry you didn't get in, but someday I bet you will realize that it is a blessing that you didn't get in.

bwahahahahahahaaaaaaa FAIL (and it's not even that good of a school...) DOUBLE FAIL x'2 RETARD!!! YOU EVEN HAD AN IN!!!

okay okay... I was j/k but still, it would be a conflict of interest... I don't think they would call it that, but essentially, yes... if the school thought you were picked for that reason, and someone more fit for their school was rejected, your daddy'd be out of a job.

seattlite 0

They're not accepting any new students to the UW Seattle campus right now. Tons of students that were hoping to get in are going to the local community colleges. Buck up and apply to UW Bothell or Tacoma.

well just because he's on the board doesn't mean he overrides it. and plus, they probably get thousands of applications every single year around the same few months, so i doubt it if he even saw your application. even if he did, like people have said before me, it's a board decision, not his. so dont think you're entitled admission just because your father works there. but in any case... turned down for a college application is still pretty hurtful lol. not an FML tho.

Big deal, your grades/SATs/extracurricular didn't match the level of GWU's so too bad for you. Maybe you should have asked your father for help in deciding what type of essay to write/your chances of getting in.