By Noname - 16/03/2009 04:05 - United States

Today, I was rejected from the University of Washington. My dad has been a professor there for 30 years, and is on the board of admissions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 439 534
You deserved it 103 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vonstrangle 0

That must be equally embarrassing for him.

Obviously you assumed you could just get in because your daddy works there and probably didn't try to do well in high school. Your loss.


just because he's your dad doesn't mean you qualify for the school

Um...yeah. You didnt get in. Were you expecting some sort of priviledge because your dad works there? Im a daughter of two teachers, both who went to UW, and im no favorite. Work for what you want. Obviously admissions made the decision that you werent right for the UW.

dianadoll 23

goes to show connections aren't everything:)

Make_Lemonade 13

FACT: Most schools do push children of alumni and faculty to the top of the admissions list So how badly do you fail at life that you couldn't manage the minimum requirements to be admitted to a state school... Much less one where your father work?

Ydi for thinking you're a shoe in just because your dad works there...

FMcollege93 0

Well, if you didn't deserve to get in, you didn't deserve to get in, regardless of whether your dad works there. But it does suck that you have to go somewhere else, since usually people whose parents work at a university get free tuition there.