By Anonymous - 18/04/2013 21:02 - Bulgaria - Batanovci

Today, I was riding my bike home from the store. Wanting to impress some passers-by, I tried to do a trick on a sharp turn. I hit a pole with my balls. As I was lying on the ground in agony, a guy pulled over, took a picture, and took off laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 428
You deserved it 51 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

klovemachine 24

And you decreased your chances of reproducing :D

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

"Wanting to impress..." = instant YDI. Bonus points because they were total strangers.


If "America's funniest home videos" have taught us anything it's that nut-shots are always funny.. For everyone but the guy who's nuts have him writhing on the ground in agony.


Ouch ! All that just to impress a person you probably will never see again?

onorexveritas 23

any thought, statement, or action with the goal to "impress" rarely turns out

raytyler26 16

Did the passerby's like the trick though? If so, thats still a win.

Soon to be seen on YouTube fails. I love watching idiots hurting themselves doing stupid shit.

liir 18

Clicked YDI after reading, "Wanting to impress..."

I clicked YDI as soon as I read "wanting to impress."

On the bright side, atleast you won't be able to breed your stupidity anymore!