By shifala - 22/01/2015 09:02 - Philippines - Caloocan

Today, I was riding my bike to work in a hurry and hit a pothole. I flew off and hit the ground hard. I was badly shaken, but an old lady came over, checked me out and helped me to my feet. After she left the scene, I realized she'd pickpocketed my wallet while "helping" me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 066
You deserved it 3 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

man_in_black08 28

Plot twist: The pothole was planted by the old woman. Genius masterplan!

*crime music* When the elderly strike back


Are you sure it didn't just fly out when u fell?

I thought this too. I would have thought of that first before I thought of an old lady stealing it. I find it pretty weird that she would help and yet take your wallet as well. Of course it's a possibility but I hope op checked all around the area he fell first, just in case.

Realistically, that's probably what happened.

UhHuhHoney 20

This is probably the same "old lady" from another previous FML post. Hahaha

ForeverJasmine 26

FML has showed me to be careful with elderly people.

gintwinsmoore 20

sorry ok, but that's ******* hilarious!!!

Damn. That really sucks. You never expect the old lady to be the one to rob you. I'd be suspicious of everyone around me after that.

Denzel - To protect the sheep you have to catch the wolf, And it takes a wolf to catch a wolf. You understand me? White Dude - WHAT ??? Denzel - I SAID!!! You protect the sheep by killing the mother ******* wolf !! White Dude - yeah yeah I heard you. Denzel - No you didn't hear me!!, Your listening but you didn't hear me!!!

Op, I wouldn't put the word ''help'' in quotes because she really did help you. she just happened to help herself too

How do you know for sure the old lady stole your wallet? If the old lady was able to pickpocket you, then it means your wallet was placed in a pocket that either had no zip or was unzipped. You said you flew off the bike, which makes it a lot more likely that your wallet dropped out than the old lady stealing it.