By anonmys - 18/07/2010 21:47 - United States

Today, I was riding the train and saw a cute guy licking his lips at me. Flattered, I gave him my number when the train stopped. He looked at me and said, "Don't flatter yourself. You have mustard on your face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 462
You deserved it 19 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time for you to ketchup with the times and realize nobody licks their lips anymore to show signs of affection.

...Yeah, he could've just tapped your shoulder and told you like a normal person.


hey #38 that's Iniesta with the face of that guy from 300!!!!

I have to say thts never happend to me...but similar things have...

Hey op you know what's in mustard? TARD! well not really anyone coulda made the mistake mos pppl would just point but you got a thong for creeps? I have something in my pants I think you'd like to show you! jk

sallen0046 4

Yeah, FYL alright, but not because you got shut down. FYL because you think some guy licking his lips all cheesy and perverted like is a decent enough come-on to give out your number. YDI for not bothering to wipe your face after eating.

FMGrammar 0

he was hungry for human flesh... her flesh to be precise. lol

oh baby. say that again. again. again.

FFML_314 11

Lol, Aard I thoroughly enjoy your funny side.

pwnagelol12 0

I agree with u o want to pet the kitty too

ummm mayo is the bestest .... mmmmm ;)

why would you want to give your number to a guy who would have been coming on to you so pervertedly?

hippiechick96 3

yeah I would have been so creeped out. so fyl for having low enough self esteem that you thought that was flattering.