By grabber - 09/08/2009 23:43 - United States

Today, I was riding up an escalator in the mall in uncomfortable high heels. While adjusting my bag I suddenly lost my balance and began flailing wildly. In desperation I hurled forward and ended up grabbing a teenage boy's buttocks and was promptly slapped by his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 356
You deserved it 11 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imawhalerider 0

Girls don't usually get that defensive of their bf's. FYL

akalisser 0


linguano 0

YDI for wearing high heels to the mall especially if there uncomfortable.

Not everyone wants to live her life as an ugly hag. There are worse things that have to grab on to some guy every now and then.

You should have grabbed the girl's buttocks so she wouldn't have felt left out. ^.^

There is nothing wrong with wearing heals. People fall all the time wearing any kind of shoes so STFU to everyone telling you off for wearing nice heals. And that guy's girlfriend needs to come the **** down, it was an accident. She should have known a grown woman wouldn't grab a teenager's ass purposefully. You bshould have punshed that tween in the face and tell her to learn to respect her elders.

letitbe56 0

There's nothing wrong with wearing heels if they're not so tall or so uncomfortable that you can't make it through the mall without a mishap. However, there is nothing attractive about a girl whose high heels are clearly kicking her ass. If you can't walk in your heels, even your running shoes would be sexier.

I don't get you women these days! I mean really, you wear all that junk and put on 3 pounds of makeup just to look... SEXY. If it feels so god damn horrible then I think you need just shoes, I mean really, that's the YDI part. Now the FYL part is when that girl slapped you, girlfriends annoy me. They talk and drone and drone on even more about their life, and the guy just sees some random girl and his eyes follow her for 5 seconds, and immediatly, the girl automatically knows that he LOVES her. They can be really insecure and jealous just to protect the relationship. This is why I probably won't have a girlfriend until I'm over 20 or something.

to #53 women try very hard to look good so don't be saying that your against it because you wouldn't date a girl that looked like a guy. And FYI your not gonna have a girlfriend not because you don't want to but because you are unable to :) and to grabber FYL that really sucks

How does wearing high heels equate to being a hooker? -__-

Protegas 0

Lets stop and think about it. I'm a girl. Naturally. I don't wear make up. Never dye my hair. Rarely wear dresses and fancy clothing. I'm not all that attractive. But, I still get pretty jealous if another girl touches my guy. Or flirts with him. I'm a jealous person, that's all there is too it. However, him simply looking at another girl never bothered me, because I tend to look at a lot of guys. Not always in a flirtatious way :P Who knows what he's looking at? Could be looking past the girl at that really cool game shop over there. I also don't drone =P at least not about my life. My life, is boring. That's all. I tend to talk about random things and try to make him laugh, instead. So, as I said a few comments ago, way to generalize.

sporksrock 0

Yet another slap-happy girl. FYL for sure. I agree with so many people, you should have slapped that girl back.

organismal 0

YDI for putting fashion over comfort and practicality. :/