By grabber - 09/08/2009 23:43 - United States

Today, I was riding up an escalator in the mall in uncomfortable high heels. While adjusting my bag I suddenly lost my balance and began flailing wildly. In desperation I hurled forward and ended up grabbing a teenage boy's buttocks and was promptly slapped by his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 356
You deserved it 11 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imawhalerider 0

Girls don't usually get that defensive of their bf's. FYL

akalisser 0


So, did you grab her hair and punch her face in? Well?

Wow, that girl knows how to defend her territory. But seriously, don't malls have elevators? Don't wear shoes you aren't comfortable in if you're going to be walking around a lot. Just bring a change of shoes if you have to go somewhere fancy afterwards. For that reason, YDI. To be fair, I've worn uncomfortable heels and mentally bitched about it many times, but I admit that each time, I absolutely deserved to be in pain.

Most people don't use elevators in malls because they're often out of the way in some hidden hallway or nook/cranny. They're purposely designed that way so you look at store fronts as much as possible. That's in the USA. In a lot of other countries (especially Asia, I've found), malls are many-storied because space is limited, so there's a glass-walled elevator right in the middle or something like that.

sure are a good bit of fml's goin around about people grabbing things when they fall, i didnt realize this was such a big problem, wether it be a part another persons anatomy, or fencing.

Oh yeah, OF COURSE that is what happened. Learn to fight your urges, or at least make sure there is no girlfriend around next time. Oh and no. 15, nice pun ;)

Yeah, why wear shoes that hurt you? (even if you did wear them in).. Women really are stupid for doing these things. Wear COMFORTABLE!

Protegas 0

Way to generalize :P Not all women wear heals. Or uncomfortable ones, at least.

Once again, why do girls think it's okay to slap people?

musu_fml 0

I've never understood that myself. It's still assault, whatever gender it comes from.

cactus_fml 0

Give her a break guys, people wear uncomfortable stuff all the time because they like how it looks. People also wear heals to the mall all the time. It's not like the only place you can wear heels is some romantic formal dinner in Italy or something.

letitbe56 0

Yeah, but have you ever seen a girl wearing heels that are clearly too tall or too uncomfortable for her? It's not sexy. No matter how cute the shoes are, you don't look good if you can't manage yourself in them.