By Obsessed - 30/01/2010 20:54 - United States

Today, I was rushed to the hospital because I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe. Why was I crying? My favorite anime character died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 634
You deserved it 83 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ajjas013 6

That's the first and probably last dedicated patriotic anime fan I'll ever see. I mean, I would be sad if Ichigo died but, I wouldn't cry.


mandude 0

Oh my lord xD xD xD xD xD xD

Lovelymedic 0

Sadly, crying over some cartoon isn't the real problem. Crying is a comfort, a way to relieve stress, a beautiful expression etc. The tragedy is wasting both EMS and ED resources for someone who is so desperate for attention they will cry until they supposedly "couldn't breathe." Go get a myspace and post pictures of someone pretty on your profile and pretend it's you; you'll get all the pathetic, depraved, endless amounts of attention you obviously seek. Loser.

thetr00per 0

YDI for getting so attached to the anime in the first place

stacysmom 0

Ok, first of all, how do you people know this girl doesn't have friends? Yeah, she might have cried over the death of a cartoon character, but how many people didn't cry while watching the Titanic? Hmmm? Yeah, that's what I thought. She might just be on her period or something. Give the poor girl a break.

Csfa19 0

wow! what kind of a loser cries over a drawing. must be some pathetic virgin with no life. must have been molested as a kid because you are one sick ****.

aintgotmuchofu 0

what the fuc does this person's virginity have to do with this FML? you absolutly make no sense at all. next time if you are trying to make something clear.

Dynoblaze 1

and this is why anime lovers get a bad rap. Fangirls....ruining it for the balanced anime people.

mlg91605 0

okay i just have to say if this post was such a waste of your time, then why even go on here??? then dont read the stuff or take time to comment its that easy, duh!!! and so the person had a favorite thing to watch im sure all of you watch something your ashamed of, so you make yourselfs feel better about calling other people losers... thats sad :( ... shame on you!!!!!

TheWaaaaambulanc 0