By Anonymous - 16/05/2009 13:06 - Canada

Today, I was selected to give my speech to the entire school. I was later told it had to be censored because it was inappropriate, even though I was just trying to make a point. My speech was on political correctness. My speech on political correctness was censored for political reasons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 017
You deserved it 5 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sickofnames 0

That's what school is like. Everything has to be the status quo, bland and acceptable. I know your pain as I was almost suspended for a film project I did.

Political correctness is a crock of shit in the first place, necessitated only by the fact that we allow a bunch of annoying crybabies to make a scene every time someone says something they don't like. It's one thing to be offended by blatant racism. It's another thing to throw a fit because someone isn't conforming to the hypersensitivity USA has gotten up its own ass with. Only the most pathetic individual could be offended by "Merry Christmas."


Political correctness is one of the most terrible human invention. There black, blind, cripled and demented people around. No such shit as african american, visualy challenged, bodily challenged and mentally challenged...

Chocolate_Chunk 2

skin color challenged? sorry, could not resist

BornIn84 0

To Jwsmythe: Like it or not, you don't have rights in high school. Really, you don't. The ACLU sometimes only "wins" cases because the restricting body doesn't want to deal with them. I feel bad for the OP. But at the same time, that's what high school is. You are not in a democracy. You are in a dictatorship until you graduate. You have to face those facts.

hurray4jmk 1

#40 your statement was the most retarded thing I've read today. From what I got from that idiotic rant was that you think people shouldn't wear anything. proclaiming their religion because it reminds people they think differently. Wtf?! Even without religion people still think differently. People should be able to wear what they want and not have to worry that some jackass like you is going to judge then before tou even get to know them. Btw please make a clear point next time you rant.

That's against the constitution under free speech!!

Fight the power!!! There's nothing more annoying than people who don't have the balls to say what they're thinking and hiding behind "political correctness"

Be thankful you Americans get to wear whatever you want in school. In the UK we have to wear a shirt, tie and black trousers with an absolute no hoodie's policy.

YDI for furthering the social justice warrior bullshit that's going on right now