By Anonymous - 16/05/2009 13:06 - Canada

Today, I was selected to give my speech to the entire school. I was later told it had to be censored because it was inappropriate, even though I was just trying to make a point. My speech was on political correctness. My speech on political correctness was censored for political reasons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 017
You deserved it 5 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sickofnames 0

That's what school is like. Everything has to be the status quo, bland and acceptable. I know your pain as I was almost suspended for a film project I did.

Political correctness is a crock of shit in the first place, necessitated only by the fact that we allow a bunch of annoying crybabies to make a scene every time someone says something they don't like. It's one thing to be offended by blatant racism. It's another thing to throw a fit because someone isn't conforming to the hypersensitivity USA has gotten up its own ass with. Only the most pathetic individual could be offended by "Merry Christmas."


stripedoctor 3

Political correctness is bullshit. If people would grow some f*ckin thicker skin or catch hell once in awhile, people wouldn't have to walk on eggshells all the blasted time!

I agree with #74 (zerogage). **** political correctness. Who cares if you offend someone else. People offend me all the time, but as soon as I'm to say something they disagree with, I'm a godless, faithless piece of shit. Well, I sort of am, but the only difference is I don't think it's a bad thing. Haha. I say, say what you need to and **** those who oppose.

That realy sucks dude. Political corectness is such a stupid thing.

amazingkate 0

mmm... maybe your clever speech wasn't as clever as you thought it was, and it came off as vulgar and too incendiary for your school to feel comfortable with. it happens, school isn't exactly the daily show. and you weren't censored for political reasons, are you kidding me? get over yourself and the school.

Since "political correctness" is right-wing code for "politeness to others which I am not bound to practice" or "not saying racist things" then my guess is that your speech ("just trying to make points") was..... rude and/or racist. And you probably need to double check it to understand why, but do that. Understanding is important. It's good for you. YDI

Luneth101 0

Political correctness is a piece of shit that needs to be shoved up some guys ass and sent to hell. Thank you for your time. Censored version: Political correctness is a bad bad thing that bad men use. Thank you for letting me talk at all.

thesmartaleck 0