By Anonymous - 16/05/2009 13:06 - Canada

Today, I was selected to give my speech to the entire school. I was later told it had to be censored because it was inappropriate, even though I was just trying to make a point. My speech was on political correctness. My speech on political correctness was censored for political reasons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 017
You deserved it 5 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sickofnames 0

That's what school is like. Everything has to be the status quo, bland and acceptable. I know your pain as I was almost suspended for a film project I did.

Political correctness is a crock of shit in the first place, necessitated only by the fact that we allow a bunch of annoying crybabies to make a scene every time someone says something they don't like. It's one thing to be offended by blatant racism. It's another thing to throw a fit because someone isn't conforming to the hypersensitivity USA has gotten up its own ass with. Only the most pathetic individual could be offended by "Merry Christmas."


paks7 0

its so nice to get on here and read the comments of people who also hate political correct-ness people getting mad over merry christmas is so stupid...if somebody said happy hanukkah to me i would definitely not be's just people being nice!!

peopleplz2008 0

if you are in highschool and the whole school had to listen about how calling each other gay is wrong and shouldn't be done. you are preaching to the wrong people.

blinkingstarlet 15

maybe it was pulled because you were being redundant... or because you were being redundant. or because you were repeating yourself too much..

iammark26 0

lol. freedom of speech. xD

#54.. Reduantly redunant repeated hackneyed phrases are what most speeches, lectures, oral dissertations, and addresses are made of. :) We're just guessing if the speech was that, poorly written, or included a huge number of non-pc statements to show how they're wrong. If every ******, wap, honkey, spic, chink, jew, and fag are offended (or mentioned), then it is an inappropriate speech. Rather than the school editing it, it should have been requested that those words be removed because they are defamatory. A speech on political correctness can explain the problems with it without sinking to the level of those who are defamatory. And yes, I intentionally said those to be an example of exactly what not to do. I'm sure several people may be offended that I even typed those words, but if someone who could fall into that slur category were called that, they would complain about being called such by quoting it, not say "that person refered to me and/or my family by an ethnic slur". It may have good shock value, and if George Carlin was giving the speech he could likely say it and get away with it, but I seriously doubt the original poster is anyone of George Carlin's reputation. A good public speaker must control their words and make them appropriate for the audience. The above phrases are not appropriate for a student body audience. It's possible that the original script was simply so poorly written that someone in the administration took the time to turn a badly written speech into a good speech. Maybe in the rewriting some of the original meaning was lost, but that would be something that could be discussed with the school administrator editing it. But, it's all just a guess, since I haven't seen the original script that was to be spoken from. Maybe the original poster can post it here, so we have a clue about what we're arguing about.

#52, I hear that all the time. Someone says "Merry Christmas", and people of other faiths are offended. I just say "Bah Humbug" during the holidays. They're commercialized events now anyways. Holidays are about celebration and spending time with friends and family. They're not about who can spend the most money on their friends. This year, my friends got an email from me. "I'm broke. The economy sucks. You're not getting anything, and don't get me anything. I look forward to seeing all of you, and spending time with you." No one took offense to it. I didn't mention a faith based holiday. We all had a good time during the time we spent together. If anyone made reference (or wanted to pray for the holiday), I let them, and accepted their personal decisions.

noshitsherlock 0

probably for the best. personally, I can't stand when people say shit just to be OMG SOOOOO shocking and controversial (usually just plain attention-seeking)

**** POLITICAL CENCORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thepunisher_fml 0

WTF?! Did you tell them that that's kinda the point to the speech. You should refuse to make the corrections