By Anonymous - 16/05/2009 13:06 - Canada

Today, I was selected to give my speech to the entire school. I was later told it had to be censored because it was inappropriate, even though I was just trying to make a point. My speech was on political correctness. My speech on political correctness was censored for political reasons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 017
You deserved it 5 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sickofnames 0

That's what school is like. Everything has to be the status quo, bland and acceptable. I know your pain as I was almost suspended for a film project I did.

Political correctness is a crock of shit in the first place, necessitated only by the fact that we allow a bunch of annoying crybabies to make a scene every time someone says something they don't like. It's one thing to be offended by blatant racism. It's another thing to throw a fit because someone isn't conforming to the hypersensitivity USA has gotten up its own ass with. Only the most pathetic individual could be offended by "Merry Christmas."


"Hello, thank you for coming. Can i just say my school is gay. Wait, no, i cant say that because i have to censor this political correctness speech for political reason. **** HIGH SCHOOL YEAH!" This is where you jump into the crowd and run as fast as you can outta there.

**** their lives! Freedom of speech... not like you're giving a speech telling everyone to shove it.

FYL if you are american, the couuntry of the freedom

LOL, political correctness is such BS

bigwaves6000 0

if you're in the states, just tell them "first amendment, bitch!"

runoldhag 0

i don't know if you're the same one, but the same thing happened to someone at my school. the first speech was bashing on everyone in the school and the program, and she put up a bitch fit to speak when she didn't deserve it more than anyone else.

CPTobvious_fml 0

Hey did you ever consider that your speech sucked? It's quite clear that you failed in the portion of "know your audience" and were clearly trying to make a political statement instead of actually making a useful point. Nothing is more irritating than listening to a piece of crap speech by someone who thinks they know everything and uses heresay or gossip to drive a insignificant point. A good speech/speaker will empower the audience, not offend it.

stripedoctor 3