By Deaf - 02/07/2015 18:59 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was sent to the principal's office because I refused to take my earbuds out. Those "earbuds" are my hearing aids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 401
You deserved it 1 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XxReddragonxX 7

how can they not tell the difference?

What did the principle say? Talk to your teacher about her behaviour, and if she does anything like this again, report her.


MrZsDad 19

As soon as you get to the principals office, follow these intructions until they figure it out for themselves.

Why are you still in school if you're in the U.S?

Enjoy having them school system pay for your college education somewhere nice, coz ADA.

Christoph_Blaski 12

I hope the principal at least apologized!

Seriously? Your teacher is a complete idiot. I hope your principle put her/him in their place.

Exact same thing happened to me back in my school days...

I would just take em out and if they got mad at you just tell them that it's their fault

I have hearing aids too so I'm required to sit in front in all my classes.. My hearing aids are programed to adjust to the volume setting of the class... I still get yelled at by teacher(s) for "not listening" when when I ask for them to repeat what they said or when I ask the person who I'm sitting by what have been said.

Hearing people think that hearing aids will magically cure your hearing. They help, thus the aid part but you still might have problems.

Obviously this is fake cause I don't think people go to school in early July