By Deaf - 02/07/2015 18:59 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was sent to the principal's office because I refused to take my earbuds out. Those "earbuds" are my hearing aids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 401
You deserved it 1 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XxReddragonxX 7

how can they not tell the difference?

What did the principle say? Talk to your teacher about her behaviour, and if she does anything like this again, report her.


Discrimination, lawyer, call, immediately

Only if they refuse to listen and OP was to get in trouble for it. If the principle has half a brain they listened to OP and they didn't get in trouble.

Badkarma4u 17

No, OP doesnt have to be in trouble. The "humiliation" of being called out of class, and made to feel punished for having a disability. Is enough for a good lawsuit. Not to mention since an authority figure set the example and gave negative attention to OP becuse of her disability, that has opened her up to all kinds of bullying and cruelty from the students. This has made OP's life a living hell and she may have to be home schooled.

114, I really hope you were being sarcastic. If no.

it might be better if you take them out. Then you won't have to listen to that idiot teacher.

I'm HOH and wear hearing aids as well. I make it a point to tell all my professors at the begining of each semester about my hearing loss and that I do wear the HA's. I also have it documented at my school's disability office. Maybe, in the future, just make mention of it (on the side) to any teachers/professors. If you don't, get a copy of your most recent hearing test on file with a doctor's note explaining about your hearing loss. This should help reduce future events like this. Hope everything ended up working out ok.

My cousin had a semi similar issue, his teacher kept yelling at him to hand over the iPod he had at his waist because she said he was messing with it in class. That part was true however he was sent to the principals before he was able to say that it was really his insulin pump for diabetes and he was checking his blood-sugar

You'd think the teacher would check those kind of things

Aren't teachers supposed to know about these things?

Only an idiot can't tell the difference between hearing aids and earbuds.

ChiChilalaOMG 10

yeeep. I'm deaf in my left ear. I feel u bro. don't worry. I got told off too.

If it's affordable in a lesson, take 'em out and show the teacher that it's hearing aid by not listening to his/her lecture. I hope things work out for you, OP. Hopefully the principal facepalmed at his teacher and said sorry for the inconvinence.

Omg I'm so sorry I've never had those problems with my hearing aids. Did you tell them what they were? Did the office understand and just send you back? That teacher is an idiot, your teacher should have known you were deaf. They send out notices letting them know and how to handle t

Hgomez2 0

I'm going to hope that it was a substitute and ignore the horrid generalizations about my profession.