By Deaf - 02/07/2015 18:59 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was sent to the principal's office because I refused to take my earbuds out. Those "earbuds" are my hearing aids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 401
You deserved it 1 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XxReddragonxX 7

how can they not tell the difference?

What did the principle say? Talk to your teacher about her behaviour, and if she does anything like this again, report her.


It happened to me too. Those people are stupid. Don't let it get it to you. People are always asking me if mine is a bluetooth.

IndridWarm 23

I remember a story where some diabetic student was expelled for doing drugs (the insulin injection). The school even refused to let them ever do it again, even after it was explained that the student needed it to survive.

Tora_Fang 5

And this is why I am glade, I graduated high school.

school employees need like a chart that has pictures of this kind of thing so they don't have incidents like this, or you could ask your doctor to cuss them out for turning your disability into detention

it seems odd your teacher didn't know that you had hearing aids. I'm sure though that once you got to the office it was pretty easy to prove. not really a big deal.

peterblack67 9

I should think that that would be pretty easy to prove.