By sofakingweetodit - 18/10/2010 11:52 - United States

Today, I was shopping for pillows at Bed Bath and Beyond. My husband playfully picked up a pillow pretending to start a pillow fight. I grabbed the largest pillow and chased him with it. When I finally caught up with him, a manager came around the corner. I was escorted out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 659
You deserved it 34 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess you are an exception, posting a FML while seeming happily married. Keep on having fun!


At some point you can tell your grandchildren that during your wild days, you were bounced out of a hardcore bath supply store.

You should've told the manager to lighten

katj 0

Unless the manager was your father in law, I'd say this is a My Life Is Awesome. Don't forget how to be a kid!

HeaRTs_Girl 0

Aw, that's kind of cute that you two were playing. It's a shame you got in trouble for it, but hopefully you two can have a good laugh over it later. And hey, you'll have a fun anecdote to share with others. :-)

wow aren't you guys cool(: pahahahaha!

Lmao, sounds like something that would happen to me. d: