This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By phoneless - 19/06/2016 21:00

Today, I was sitting in a café when I dropped my phone. After ages searching the floor for it, I realised it had dropped into the lady behind me's bag. She looked terrifying, so I thought I'd wait until she went to the bathroom. She never did, and I ended watching her walk out, with my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 785
You deserved it 22 628

Top comments

You drop your phone, judge her on only her appearance, and then decide to risk rummaging around in her purse instead rather than just asking. YDI.

What could she do? It's not like she was going to bite you or something. Sorry op ydi for not growing a pair and asking for your phone back.


Um, how about "Excuse me ma'am I dropped my phone and it fell into your purse. Would you mind handing it to me?"

Seen it. 'Three's Company' Jack tries to pay money they wouldn't take back to Janet and Terri by placing an anonymous envelope in Terri's purse, but snuck his hand into the wrong bag. Hilarity ensues.

Sorry dear but YDI, I would have explained to her I had dropped my phone and it may have landed in her purse by mistake. Hopefully you two could have had a good laugh over the odds of it and you would have your phone right now.

Man i wanna park this lady outside your house just to watch you refuse to sell the first one, buy a new one, then talk about it on here...

You ******* Deserved It. Did your lack of a mobile device also take away your ability to ask for your things returned to you?

quarterweek 13

You deserved it! What's so hard about asking her for your phone?

Well, Y absolutely DI but you've got a chance to save it. Call your phone later on and if she answers, explain the situation. Hopefully your judgement of her based on appearance was wrong and she'll be nice enough to return it to you.