This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By phoneless - 19/06/2016 21:00

Today, I was sitting in a café when I dropped my phone. After ages searching the floor for it, I realised it had dropped into the lady behind me's bag. She looked terrifying, so I thought I'd wait until she went to the bathroom. She never did, and I ended watching her walk out, with my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 785
You deserved it 22 628

Top comments

You drop your phone, judge her on only her appearance, and then decide to risk rummaging around in her purse instead rather than just asking. YDI.

What could she do? It's not like she was going to bite you or something. Sorry op ydi for not growing a pair and asking for your phone back.


Yeah, you're not getting any sympathy here. 2 seconds of your time and a little pride swallowed, done. Instead you need a new phone and a fresh pair of kahoonies.

Judging her solely for her appearance, shame on you! Even if she looked terrifying, she could have been very nice. Plus, how do you think it would have looked if you got caught in her bag. Flimsy excuse. YDI.

You would rather let her leave with your phone then ask her to take it out of her purse. Wow what the heck.

You ******* deserve it. Ask politely. Who cares what she looks like. Hope she has fun with her new phone.

I don't see why you didn't just ask for your phone back... Can't always just judge people by their appearance.

People don't just leave their bags sitting around in public.

"I'm sorry miss, but I think I dropped my phone in your bag," You. Fail. Socialness. Forever.

Even if she was scary, why didn't you just open your mouth? Did you think she's leave her purse when she went to the bathroom? I take my purse to the bathroom when I'm in a cafe or restaurant because I wouldn't like someone rooting through it.

While you are grabbing your phone you should probably grab you balls out of there too