By Anonymous - 23/10/2011 05:30 - United States

Today, I was sitting in my room while my mom was talking to my uncle. I had my door open. She said, "Yeah my son doesn't know I have his phone password. Girls nowadays are real sluts." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 619
You deserved it 8 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Tell one of those girls to text you saying their pregnant. That'll give your mom something to talk about, lol!

ikickgingers 15

There = over *points* there Their = possession, not the head spinning projectile vomiting kind. They're = they are They're over there looking for their *insert object*. I had a crazy tutor jump on a desk and start singing "over there"... It stuck. He was effing insane.

ikickgingers 15

I went to edit ^^ cause I'm sick and rambling. Alas, I could not....

brrarm 17

To 11 - awesome idea! Way for OP to take revenge :)

stewpididiot 11

Awesome idea !! A campaign of outlandish disinformation is clearly called for here .

stacianichole 2
osiris39p 3

or have multiple girls text him that

who really cares about the grammar. seriously it's a funny comment let 'em be.

rallets 22
Rei_Ayanami 18

Run! Escape before you get "The Talk"! It may already be too late, but you've got to try! On a more serious note: Make your passwords more creative or something. For example; you could make it something absurd like "manure" or "lollipops" it's better than your password anyways. What was your pass anyways, "password"?

DreBeezy 9

Probably something she'd definitely know, like his or her birthday. Gotta be more creative than that op!

I read this and initially thought OP's mother was calling him a slutty girl. Then I reread it and came to the same conclusion.

Rei_Ayanami 18

Did you perform any operations on their "son", Doc? Any... Alterations?

HoboSmeller 6

tell your mom not to hate the player but to hate the game. not your fault your a pimp.

The pimp parts not always true, alot of dudes will settle for any "down" chick if that means they get some. In turn it makes the guy look like a man *****, not a pimp. "Hitting it" with lots of ugly chicks = desperate dude.

Gargoyle123 2

Do it on her bed with one of those *****, as pay back for snooping.

So, New plan: Step one: Call one of your friends that is a girl and one that is a guy. Step Two: Have the guy confess his feelings for you through text as you do the exact same back to him. Step Three: Have the girl text you stating she is pregnant with twins and she has had sex with no one else and that she is reminding you that the only time you two did it was on your moms bed. Step Four: Sit back and relax as if nothing happened even when your mom confronts you about it :D Then when she brings it up, bring up the whole invasion of privacy argument and that you may or may not be gay and then kiss her on the cheek tell her you love her out of no where in the middle of the argument. And see the reaction :)

Haha, this is an awesome plan. She'll see how quickly snooping backfires on her when she finds out 'information' she didn't want to know.

wonderfullyodd 2

Payback XD that plan is genius

Scands_59 14

It is brilliant! #24 is my hero :D

At least you know that your password needs to be updated now. :)

25shark 5

This is like my worst nightmare

And we're all grateful for all those slutty girls.