By Anonymous - 23/10/2011 05:30 - United States

Today, I was sitting in my room while my mom was talking to my uncle. I had my door open. She said, "Yeah my son doesn't know I have his phone password. Girls nowadays are real sluts." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 625
You deserved it 8 857

Same thing different taste

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Not to mention that she didn't even confront him about it (yet?) and she's just checking up on what he's been doing...I'm sure I wouldn't have liked it if my parents went through my things when I was younger, but I also had nothing to hide.

ur moms rite. YDI she wouldnt be checking if u didnt have that crap on ur phone

I think the point is, his mom had no right to go tell his uncle and embarrass him like that. She also has no right to call those girls *****, and if she has a problem with anything on her son's phone she should take it up with him instead of snooping around.

theonlysweetpea 10

#91 Privacy doesn't have an age limit. It's a humane right. Plus there's a difference between a concerned parent, a neligent (sp?) parent,

Don't change ur password. Delete what you don't want her to see and have fake conversations with friends that back up what you want her to think you are doing. A bit of a hassle, but worth it.

Don't change ur password. Delete what you don't want her to see and have fake conversations with friends that back up what you want her to think you are doing. She deserves it for invading your privacy.

theonlysweetpea 10

Actually no it doesn't. That's human law for something way different. I'm talking about heavenly rights.

'Heavenly rights' have nothing to do with earthly laws. jsfromga is correct, if the person is a minor, unless they are emancipated, they do NOT have certain privacy rights. The only one I'm aware of is that in my province, if you're over sixteen, a health care provider cannot tell your parents anything without your permission, but that could vary by province/country/etc. Of course this doesn't mean his mom should be snooping, because that's a very fast and short road to your child not trusting you and resenting you, but she does have every right to know what he's doing and where he is and with whom.

yes they are isn't it ****** great. can't complain at all. makes the world a better place

How is that an FML?? Change the damn Password and call it a win!