By ctop - 13/05/2011 05:45 - United States

Today, I was sitting in the lecture hall. A girl walked by to get to her seat and her dress got caught on the handles, lifting it up. She didn't notice but I did, so I tried to take it off the handles. She turned around to see me holding her dress up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 450
You deserved it 8 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lizza330 28

I think you should've asked her if she wanted help, because now she probibly thinks you're a creep.


you got punished for doing the wrong thing, next time take upskirt pics with your phone instead of writing a FML with it!

she already thinks you're the worst might as well take a peek

you totally deserved it for trying to help people

MuhammadsTeenGF 0

If she didn't make a big deal out of it, she probably has issues and you're in if you play your cards right ;)

awardZu 0

Aww, There Is Noo Need To Be Mean To 13.! Oh wait, yeah there is. Excuse me, my fault.

shouldve just waited... as Bond would say, enjoy the view.

it really depends on if she likes it or not cuz some girls act like theyre pissed off but secretly likes it or it would boost up their confidence. either way, u shoudn't have done anything cuz usually these things will cost u.

Flutist 3

"I have an SUV but it looks like someone parked a few Bugs in the bushes. Sorry, I'll use a lot in a better neighborhood."

You probably should have said something rather than lifted her dress off of the handles yourself... If I turned around with someone's hands holding up my dress, they'd get back handed.

Petunia888 13

Ahhh, the price of good intentions. I wonder what she did when she saw you "holding up her dress"?