By Anonymous - 23/08/2009 19:41 - United States

Today, I was sitting on the couch with my little brother. He was looking at me and says "so cool." I asked him what was so cool and he says "it's not that cool but, your eyebrow connects to your other eyebrow". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 169
You deserved it 13 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nyeh. A teacher in my school has a unibrow. He didn't care, was one of the student's favourite teachers, and made fun of it himself sometimes. Not that big a deal.


Shaving = a retarded idea. Pluck or wax ftw. But really. You needed a kid to point it out? YDI.

Lmfao. There was a kid in my class with a unibrow, we used to call him a unicorn. He wised up by the end of the year though, and unibrow no more!

XxmidnightXx4545 0

well, frida kahlo had one, and she was pretty awesome-- so, i don't know about unibrows being cool but if you're cool enough, you can definitely make it work.

I_ate_pikachu 0

YDI for having a unibrow, you cavewoman!

jess_00 0

you need to get that waxed...immediately.

This is an FML, how? Wax it. Easy fix.

this is nothing other than a YDI i have no sympathy for ppl who have unibrows and do nothing about it. its as simple as waxing so quit complaining

it's not that big of a deal really. just wax it, done.